
Essay Reflection Scripts

 If we are talking about an essay, we can also briefly mention two parts of an essay that are very similar - scenarios and considerations. A script is a textual model of a theatrical performance, film or television production. This is a list of all the actors' dialogues and monologues, as well as a list of instructions for sound, stage lighting, set placement, and other dramatic effects. In the script, it is necessary to literally and explicitly mark the planned non-verbal performances of the actors (for example, grimaces, emotions, gestures, movement around the stage, ...) and everything that cannot be read from direct copies of the characters. Contemplation is a genre close to an essay or a feuilleton, but differs from them both in scope and in a more closed and rigid form. Thus, unlike an essay, an argument should have a clearly clear introduction, then three paragraphs developing the arguments, and a final paragraph in which the author summarizes previous observations and expre...